Osman Jalloh facilitates a training with lawyers

On the 30th October 2024 the Legal Access Through Women Yearning for Equality Rights and Social Justice (L.A.W.Y.E.R.S.) a female-led organization founded in 1997, organised their annual training / Capacity Building Workshop as part of their commitment to their G.E.A.R project for legal practitioners in Sierra Leone as a way of consolidating and enhancing the skills of legal practitioners in handling Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) cases and essential workplace skills. This event was held at the New Brook Fields Hotel, New England, Freetown.

The event promised to be an engaging and thought-provoking training under the thematic heads of the GEWE ACT, The basic concepts in the Act, the global framework on gender equality and Women’s empowerment as well as the role, presence and importance of women as collaborators and partners in community and country building activities. One of the key facilitators of the event was our Osman Jalloh esq, the lead Partner of the firm Messrs OJP Legal, who facilitated a training that captured the impact and relevance of the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Act of 2023, bringing to the fore the place, function and timeliness of the Act while also mentioning the challenges relative to the implementation or drafting of the Act. In the ending, the workshop was nothing short of an engaging and lively session as both the legal practitioners and the facilitator left with a wholesome idea and a better appreciation on the different perspectives on what the Act is about, the different yet balanced perspectives and the mindset relative to the same amongst other things.

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